Wednesday 16 February 2011

Corridor Scene (Ideas)

Yesterday, I was the only one in the camera man group to come into college and I wasn't sure what to do so I thought I'd just throw in some ideas for the corridor scene because none of us came up with any at the start, sorry that I'm blogging about it now because I forgot to blog on it yesterday even though I came up with the ideas then.

Start of scene:
As Camera Man escapes from the laboratory-like room, he walks into an empty corridor filled with silence and then…

Idea 1
He walks down the corridor and looking around it.

Idea 2
He spots another laboratory with a broken machine inside.

Idea 3
He spots a CCTV camera stuck to the wall staring at him.

Idea 4
He trips over and accidentally smashes his face. *

Idea 5
He self-destructs. *

Idea 6
He notices blood on the walls. N

* - refers to my random silly ideas that came into my head.
N – refers to neutral idea in other words, half serious and half silly.
The ideas written in bold are the nominated ones that could be possible to expand on but only one of them can be selected.

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