Tuesday 1 March 2011

Tuesday 1st March Objectives

Complete remaining scenes
Continuation of Set Construction
Continuation Reference/Inspiration Blog

Monday 28 February 2011

Referance Images find by Amo

For the first lab in our animation, Ghandi find most of the images for reference and I find images of X-Men 2: Wolverines Revenge the video game. Ghandi told me who was going to talk about which references or something like that and then he asked me think of anything that is close to the influence close to the camera man animation set whether it’s from a TV show, movie, cartoon, comic, video game etc. While thinking of what I write about in the blog, the only thing that came into my mind was a video game called X-Men 2: Wolverines Revenge.

The following image above is a halfway somewhere inside the Weapon X facility stage, from looking at the location in the image now is kind of how I imagine the group’s hallway set to look like something kind of like this but with white foam boards and I’m guessing we will probably make it look more like the hallway from Resident Evil which we have image on our group blog posted by Ghandi but we don’t know how it’s going to look yet and even though we can’t see the whole hallway, but from where the soldier is standing, to me it could be outside the door of the lab that camera man wakes up in and escapes from and where Wolverine (Weapon X) is standing could look sort of like the hallway set which our group has not made yet because we are still in the middle of filming the first part.

I was watching a walkthrough video of X-Men 2: Wolverines Revenge on youtube which was divided into parts making it take a little long to find the right one which has the certain location in that I will use for reference of the last room that camera man reaches at the end of the animation film. While looking through the walkthrough, I finally find the scene that I was after so I paused it, maximize it, print screen shot it and put it into this blog and can be seen above this text. If the last room that camera enters is going to have machinery, consoles etc, then this image could be reference for it and I can imagine the groups set of the last room to look kind of like this and the colour is really bright and white which is the colour of the foam boards that we are going to use to build it.

Monday 28th February Objectives

Complete 1st Scene of the Animation
Complete Set Construction Blog
Complete Reference/Inspiration Blog

Thursday 17 February 2011

First Room Scene

For the first scene, our groups creative leader, Owen decided that he wants to add more to this scene by having Camera Man do more in the room rather than just coming out of the machine then leaving the room and I agreed I on this idea so right now I'm going to throw in some idea's for it. The idea of Camera Man tapping the screen is still retained, so basically in the scene, Camera Man awakens from the machine, looks and notices the screen in front of him and walks up to it and taps it and after that, he…

Idea 1
Turns his head to the left and notices the set shelves on the wall so he walks up slowly to them and slowly runs his hand slowly onto the surface to check either what it feels like, what it's made out of or if it's anything that he has seen before. Camera then turns around and notices the chair and desk and walks up to them too, he then does the same of what he did to the shelves. Camera Man looks up after and spots a door, he walks up to it and it automatically slides open allowing him to escape from the room.

Idea 2
He looks at his finger after tapping the glass to see if a mark was left, he then turns around and notices the machine he came out of and looks at it for a short amount of time and then he turns his head too the left and notices the table and chair set, he walks up to it, pulls out the chair and sits on it for a couple/few seconds to think of what is going on. After the seconds of thinking, he then decides to leave by walking through the automatic slide door.

Idea 3
After tapping the glass, he jumps in sigh thinking that the glass will shatter into pieces but really, it stays intact. He relaxes after the feeling about the glass and then he walks around the room thinking of what to do but no clue comes into his mind so then decides to exits the room. N

Idea 4
He is confused and doesn’t know where he is so he breaks out into rage and starts punching, kicking, elbowing, kneeing and shoulder attacking the walls and then he goes to pick up the chair and throw it at the machine he came out of. Camera Man then drops on the floor down too his knees and then runs through the door still in anger. *

Idea 5
He dances around the room and then moon walks out the door. *

Idea 6
(This scene takes place straight after he comes out of the machine) He attempts to walk but he trips over, he gets back up on his feet and heads to the screen and then taps it. N/*

* - refers to my random silly ideas that came into my head.
N – refers to neutral idea.

The ideas written in bold are the nominated ones that could be possible to expand on but only one of them can be selected.

From the looks of it, I think that we might go with either idea 2 or 3

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Expanded Ideas

Below are the two ideas from the previous post but only this time, both the ideas have been expanded on but me and my group still haven't decided which one to practically expand on.

Idea 2
The corridor scene has now been shot followed by a first person fro where Camera Man is standing and a view of the corridor down to the end. He starts to walk down the corridor with camera shots from a variety of different angles that could go well with the anticipation in this scene and the viewers could give away what is on his mind as of this moment. He has no clue why it’s so quiet and while he’s walking down, he’s looking around turning his head side to side and when he reaches the end, he comes across a window right in front of him.
Camera Man takes about a two minute peek through the glass and on the other side is another laboratory that has different layout to the one that he escaped from but the laboratory that witnessing is ruined and filled with damaged machinery which leaves him in shock and he’s wondering on his mind, “What has happened to this place?”

Idea 3
The corridor scene has now been shot and Camera Man is walking down the corridor with anticipation on his mind and the different camera views from different angles are still retained within this idea. Camera Man still has no clue why the whole place is filled with silence and still continues to walk but as he reaches the middle of the hallway, he looks to the up left side like a big question has popped into his mind and causes him to stop his movements and it turns out be a CCTV camera that is stuck to the wall and which we get a whole view of from about where Camera Man is standing. The CCTV camera is staring at Camera Man and he’s thinking “Why is this camera staring at me?” Camera Man starts to get closer and closer to the camera and looks directly into it, in this moment there is atmosphere in the air to what is Camera Man going to do to the CCTV camera.